Views of the J&J farm visited by Joyce Kilmer of "I think that I shall never see" fame; and nearby fields and hills.
It is now possible to discern even from a distant vantage that the treelines are thin. It used to be that they appeared solid - no light came through below the line of the horizon where treetops met the sky. Leaves that emerged this spring are dropping off.
What a beautiful landscape, surrounding Wit's End.
Oak leaves up close, and a yellowing crabapple (they all are), plus frantic over-production of cones.
And of course there is no drought, part III, linked below:
And just for fun whilst waiting for photos to upload here on the blog, I left a comment at whitehouse.gov as follows (you can send your own if you like!)
Dear President Obama,
I have two points.
1. Please get Americans a real universal health care plan. If you don't want single payer at first, fine, give us a public, NOT FOR PROFIT alternative and let the private insurers wither away.
2. Please visit my blog about climate change:
All of the trees are dying on the Eastern Seaboard due to a long-term change in climate. They just can't keep up with an altered environment and the evidence of their demise is obvious.
This is important to bring to the attention of Congress because it is concrete evidence of the deleterious consequences of AGW. Perhaps when they understand the implications - no more apples, no more nuts, the positive feedback of a CO2 sink becoming a CO2 source - they will stop dithering over legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions and recognize the emergency status of our planet.
We are already on track for catastrophic droughts and extremely violent weather. Please stop this before humans are doomed to extinction as well.
Yes, you can!
Thank you,
Gail Zawacki
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