And fried is fabulous at The Bookstore!

This bird demanded crumbs.

Wellfleet is a pretty and classic small New England town.

But the trees in the village have not been spared. These leaves are from saplings only 4 feet high.

And the big trees have big problems too.

The cones on this pine tree are crazy.

Red maples have looked better than their green cousins but these leaves are scorched as well.

Another bizarre thing is that the seeds turn brown while still on the tree.

This tree is being attacked by lichen AND fungi and has had a penny stuck in the trunk so long ago it is now embedded!

Next, the much-anticipated trip to Boston on the ferry to meet up with the Romm 'n' Legions - fans of Joe Romm's climateprogress.org blog, for lunch! But Nana didn't go - here she is with famous gazpacho.

It was a damp and dreary day but the ride on the ferry was fun, if foggy.

Here is our toast to Joe!

After lunch we had time to kill before the ferry departure, so what to do but hang around a bar? We went into Anthony's on the Pier, since it was across from the terminal, and had a terrific time looking at the hundreds of pictures of famous (and infamous) people who have haunted this restaurant in the past.

While at Anthony's we met the purveyors of Beantown collectible figures (motto: "Use Your Bean. Trust Your Heart. Build Your Character") and they gave us a sack full of samples, some of which glow in the dark.

We played with them for the rest of the night, THANKS BeantownToys.com!!!

And here are two of our fellow travelers on their way to Provincetown, with Anthony's in the background.
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