I came across this section of an ebook about the composition of the atmosphere which is much more important than Ayn Rand, her foolish scribblings, and her lack of or size of sexual organ.
Here is an excerpt about our atmosphere, which, we breathe:
"The average concentration of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide is now increasing at a rate of 0.2 to 0.3% per year. Its part in the enhancement of the greenhouse effect is minor relative to the other greenhouse gases already mentioned. However, it does have an important role in the artificial fertilization of ecosystems. In extreme cases, this fertilization can lead to the death of forests, eutrophication of aquatic habitats, and species exclusion. Sources for the increase of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere include: land-use conversion; fossil fuel combustion; biomass burning; and soil fertilization."
Somebody needs to figure out what is killing trees and plants, and soon, so we can stop it! Maybe it's because the nitrogen cycle is disrupted? Aaauughhh. I don't know, and it seems neither does anyone else!
"The average concentration of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide is now increasing at a rate of 0.2 to 0.3% per year. Its part in the enhancement of the greenhouse effect is minor relative to the other greenhouse gases already mentioned. However, it does have an important role in the artificial fertilization of ecosystems. In extreme cases, this fertilization can lead to the death of forests, eutrophication of aquatic habitats, and species exclusion. Sources for the increase of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere include: land-use conversion; fossil fuel combustion; biomass burning; and soil fertilization."
Somebody needs to figure out what is killing trees and plants, and soon, so we can stop it! Maybe it's because the nitrogen cycle is disrupted? Aaauughhh. I don't know, and it seems neither does anyone else!
Below are some pictures I found online, of trees and leaves from mid to late October, 2008, most of them from eastern PA. The trees and leaves even up close and on the ground are so lovely, the way autumn colors should be. Below them for comparison are pictures which I took yesterday, October 31.

Here's a link to the newspaper article where they were submitted by various photographers.

And now (!) for some humor, Messages that epitomize the perennial dispute between Significant Other, an unrepentant free-marketer and nationalist, to Moi, a pacifist and citizen of the globe:
S.O. to Moi:
at Fairmount Park in Philadelphia
This is over the Delaware River this time, last year. Lots of leaves on trees still! Following are the pictures from yesterday, Halloween. It was very overcast, with intermittent rain, mist and fog. Look how barren is the landscape.
That there are still bright green leaves in isolated spots only goes to prove that the crowns of so many large trees shouldn't be bare.

The ground was carpeted by fallen leaves. The new color of nature? Eery spectral grey/green/blue lichen is the new black, when it comes to natural fashion.

It's the jellyfish of terrestrial ecosystems. Anyone following the demise of coral reefs and life in the oceans will understand the allusion.

I can recall the first time I noticed a rose blooming well past the time it should be. I'm not sure of the month, but I remember the shock I felt to find it, and exactly where I saw it - in the garden of one of my daughter's friend's home, about eight years ago.

Below is a Japanese Andromeda that is already setting buds, that shouldn't be there until next spring.
And here is what as known as burning bush, because it turns an almost impossibly bright red in the fall, and persists until frost.

Except, this specimen and most others are lacking the vibrancy, and dropping leaves well before frost.

They are droopy, and literally bleached. Look how they are actually turning white and falling to the ground! It's astonishing.

The sound of it, a threatening buzz, and the crackle of the fire, and the putrid smell, were overwhelming. Next time when this happens and it hasn't been raining for 24 hours, we could have a nasty, spreading wildfire.
And now (!) for some humor, Messages that epitomize the perennial dispute between Significant Other, an unrepentant free-marketer and nationalist, to Moi, a pacifist and citizen of the globe:
S.O. to Moi:
Moral hypocrisy masquerading as intellectual irrelevancy:
Atlas Hugged
Moi to S.O.:
You don't have to go any further than the first sentence to see what a joke the article will be:
"In my experience, people who've read Ayn Rand's books either love them or hate them. I'm one of the few who fall somewhere in between."
because in his experience, he has apparently never met anyone clever enough to NOT read that bullshit at all, but rather realize, a page or two in, that it is utter trash.
Next, no doubt out of abject contrition
Atlas Hugged
Moi to S.O.:
You don't have to go any further than the first sentence to see what a joke the article will be:
"In my experience, people who've read Ayn Rand's books either love them or hate them. I'm one of the few who fall somewhere in between."
because in his experience, he has apparently never met anyone clever enough to NOT read that bullshit at all, but rather realize, a page or two in, that it is utter trash.
Next, no doubt out of abject contrition
S.O. sent to Moi: this link to Ayn Rand's Revenge
And for anyone who is hanging in, I did write to Dr. Pidwerny but my query was rejected. I think he is no longer affiliated with the University of British Columbia. I'm going to copy below my letter to him, for the record, and I'll be trying to locate his new address so I can forward it:
update! I had misspelled his name (It's Pidwirny) - resent the message Monday:
Dear Dr. Pidwirny,
I hope you will not regard my inquiry as an annoyance, even though I am woefully ignorant about science. I know enough to respect scientists who do know science, however.
I live New Jersey and in the summer of 2008 I became concerned and then alarmed about the condition of the trees. Every species began to exhibit signs of irreversible decline.
This past growing season their condition has dramatically worsened. Leaves have fallen off a month early, and the coniferous trees also are dropping needles. Because these symptoms have now appeared on not just long-lived species that might suffer cumulative damage, but also annual and even aquatic plants, I have come to the conclusion that only something in the atmosphere could inflict such widespread, actually universal impact. In fact I am quite convinced of it - the question is, what exactly is the mechanism?
Ozone is well-known to be toxic to vegetation, but it has been present for decades. I have speculated that perhaps it is the more recently mandated addition of ethanol that is the primary cause, but it is quite difficult to find authoritative corroboration or even many academic studies on the topic. Government agencies appear to be so committed to producing biofuels that it is impossible to even get them to consider the possible consequences to health for plants or humans.
Looking at your chapter caused me to consider that perhaps the nitrogen cycle has been widely disrupted, because you do state that elevated levels of nitrous oxide will artificially fertilize the ecosystem and that "In extreme cases, this fertilization can lead to the death of forests." although you then add that it is not ubiquitous. Can you guide me to the source of information that you refer to in the "death of forests?"
Given that SOMETHING in the atmosphere is killing vegetation at a wildly rapid velocity, do you have any thoughts on what agent is most likely to blame?
I would very much appreciate your thoughts. I'm not requesting a definitive answer - just a general direction. I have been posting photographs and links to whatever research I can locate at www.witsendnj.blogspot.com if you are interested.
Gail Zawacki
Oldwick, NJ