It looks like the predicted storms in California are knocking down trees, as expected. Of course the almost unanimous blame will directed towards extreme weather, ignoring the weakened condition of the trees - rotting limbs and root systems - from ozone and acid rain.
Think of how much hotter the loss of trees will make our homes. There is nothing like cool shade under a tree on a hot day.

The Daily Beast ran a a very controversial article called "The 14 Most Heinous Climate Villains" which attracted some typical sparring between deniers and warmists in the comments. I won't copy them here but you can click the clicky - they are fun reading for those so inclined. At least, I had fun!
The number one climate villain on the list is Don Blankenship, Massey Coal CEO - and it so happens he will be debating tonight with arguably the number one climate hero (along with Jim Hansen and Joe Romm, even though they disagree), Robert Kennedy Jr.
From R.Pauli, who found this on the Huffington Post:
Bobby Kennedy Jr. will debate the CEO of Massey coal, Don Blankenship, about the destructive effects of coal production and consumption, on Thursday, January 21st at 6:15 pm, eastern, from the University of Charleston, West Virginia. The program will be carried online at, as well as by other local media. You can visit for more information.
The coal industry in general, and Blankenship in particular, are responsible for some of the most egregious environmental devastation of the last one hundred years. To listen to Kennedy debate these issues, such as mountaintop removal, is something you won't want to miss.
Thursday, January 21st, 6:15 pm. One of the great environmental heroes of our time takes on one of the greatest environmental villains.
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