These first two were taken on July 29, 2009, exactly a year and a day ago. I stopped then to snap pictures because the morning glories were absolutely gorgeous.

It has been reported that Professor Schneider died of a heart attack. It has also been reported that he had survived a rare lymphoma, which was treated with R-CHOP, a particularly brutal course of chemotherapy which is known to damage the heart.

I kind of forgot about them until this morning when I went by again.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Just for good measure here are the trees across the street.

It has been reported that Professor Schneider died of a heart attack. It has also been reported that he had survived a rare lymphoma, which was treated with R-CHOP, a particularly brutal course of chemotherapy which is known to damage the heart.

So I would hazard a guess that pollution caused his death, as it is causing the death of the entire biosphere.
This is all so ineffably sad:
This is all so ineffably sad:
"...to the Reaganites, the very admission of global warming was an ideological no-no. It represented the collective planetary-scale footprint of personal, corporate, and national decisions to use the atmosphere as a convenient, free sewer to dump our smokestack wastes, tailpipe emissions, and side effects of land-use changes like deforestation. To admit that we were harming the planetary commons was to admit that we needed regulatory solutions, some internationalist—the ultimate no-no to ideologists of American hegemony and economic power. So denial of global warming became de facto government policy, since the ideology of protecting entrepreneurial rights over public amenities was Reaganite doctrine."
Thanks as always to RPauli for sharing the link
And let's be clear, this is no commoner's rant, this is a top climate scientist who is blaming Reagan directly.