Obviously, it has existed for quite some time, in a symbiotic relationship between cedars and apple trees.

However, I can state with complete certainty that it has NEVER been present before in such abundance.

And I would in fact compare the sudden onset of its presence, up and down hedgerows, to this report that increased background tropospheric ozone encourages (for reasons not understood) pathogens, insects, and fungi.

The trunks of the cedars have this odd white stippling, I do not know if it is yet another fungal growth, or the extrusion of sap.

The rest of the pictures that follow are courtesy of Catman306. He lives in Georgia, and is a witness to the same tree decline that I record here on this blog every day. I reproduce the photographs and his terse but accurate captions without any editing. Thank you Catman! For your contribution, and your observations. More people should pay attention to our essential ecosystem - without it, we cannot survive

This morning's view of our power cut which will soon boast a 230 KV line instead of the 12 kv line you see.

This great old oak will be sacrificed to progress tomorrow even though it is 20 feet out side of the right-of-way. The Georgia Transmission Co. has decided it is a 'danger' tree and must go.

This tree was cut last fall and thousands (!) more just like it along the 25 mile r/w. And zillions of pines.

Actually Georgia Transmission only has a 120 foot right of way and it's supposed to have 150 feet minimum for a 230 KV line. So there are lots and lots of 'danger' trees. They are stealing land and killing lots of nice trees to do it.
Although I heat with wood, I haven't been able to get away from this destruction. They grind up all the trees into this wood 'mulch'.
One way or another the trees don't stand a chance.
You really have spectacular photos.
ReplyDeleteheh, I had to climb up a really tall tree to get that pix of the oil spill!!
ReplyDeleteI am Catman's widow.ivtook those photosTomvwillvlivevpn
ReplyDeleteThanks Linda! You and Tom were among the very few who saw this disaster coming.