
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I came across this deliberately alarming teevee news report about the under appreciated imminence of earthquakes around various locations in America.  Well, the powers that be want us to worry about things we can't control, to prevent us from challenging the things that we can.

Oddly enough (ha), instead of feeling terror about earthquakes, I found fresh evidence that we face a much wider and almost completely ignored threat.  The tree-killing rising levels of tropospheric ozone are not restricted, like an earthquake, to one location, unfortunately.  The precursors of reactive nitrogen from fuel emissions and other industrial activity travel vast distances in the atmosphere, and affect every form of life, no matter how remote.  I'm not certain that these first two screen captures are from current scenery, although they are presented that way.  They certainly depict dead trees.
 The first is from a lake, and the next is a city street.  How ugly!
The following shots though, DO reflect current conditions, because the first is the background for an interview.
This last is from the report live in Memphis.  The huge trees in the background have NO LEAVES.
It's only mid-September.  What could possibly be wrong with these trees, that their leaves are already gone?? the Basic Premise, linked above, if you don't already know that our ecosystem - the one we depend upon for food and oxygen - is collapsing.


  1. Hi, Gail.

    The effects of earthquakes aren't restricted to one location - tsunamis cross oceans. And it's not necessarily a distraction from the main issue: I came across a reference on the Manpollo Project Forums a few months back -- possibly in the Pessimists thread, that suggested that we could expect more seismic activity as a result of the anticipated dramatic changes in the mass of water that constitutes our poor beleaguered planet's seas.

    Everything links to everything. We have to start behaving as though we aren't apart; but we (humanity -- at this late stage I absolutely refuse to use the word 'humankind') still won't accept it.

    Hope you and yours are well.

  2. Some earthquake.

  3. Yikes, look at those trees starting a 2 minutes into the video!

  4. More trees. These are in the famous Alfred Hitchcock movie Marnie (1964) shot in NJ and Virginia. They look like trees are supposed to look! Shot in autumn or early winter.
    Notice the lowest part of the trees that merge into the ground cover. Solid not open as in today's woods.

  5. The screen shot in that last picture is from a January newscast. Note the winter jacket. Keep up the good work!

  6. Good research Anon! Doesn't change anything though.
